اللهم تقبل منا و منكم صالح الأعمال
السيد : بن منصور بن علي الجزائر - 2023 | 1444
Email: benali.benmansour@gmail.com
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مواقيت الصلآة
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Afganistan MWL method
Albania MWL method
Algeria Ministry of Religious Affairs and Wakfs
Angola MWL method
Antigua and Barbuda MWL method
Argentina MWL method
Armenia MWL method
Australia South Territory MWL method
Australia Tasmani Territory MWL method
Australia Sydney region MWL method
Australia Alice Springs region MWL method
Australia Capital Territory MWL method
Australia Darwin Region MWL method
Australia New South Wales Territory MWL method
Australia Queensland Territory MWL method
Australia Victoria Territory MWL method
Australia West Territory MWL method
Austria MWL method
Azerbaijan MWL method
Bahamas MWL method
Bahrain Umm Al Qura method
Bangladesh MWL method
Barbados MWL method
Belarus MWL method
Belgium MWL method
Belize MWL method
Benin MWL method
Bhutan MWL method
Bolivia MWL method
Bosnia and Herzegovina MWL method
Botswana MWL method
Brazil Est MWL method
Brazil West MWL method
Brunei Darussalam MWL method
Bulgaria MWL method
Burkina Faso MWL method
Burundi Local Method
Cambodia MWL method
Cameroon MWL method
Canada Islamic Society of North America ISNA
Cape Verde MWL method
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Chad Local Method
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Comoros MWL method
Congo Brazzaville MWL method
Congo Democratic Republic MWL method
Cook Islands MWL method
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Czech Republic MWL method
Denemark MWL method
DenemarkGroenland MWL method
Djibouti MWL method
Dominica MWL method
Dominican Republic MWL method
Ecuador MWL method
Egypt General Authority of Survey
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Eritrea MWL method
Estonia MWL method
Eswatini MWL method
Ethiopia MWL method
Fiji MWL method
Finland MWL method
France Union des Organisations Islamiques
FranceAtlantic MWL method
FranceMayotte MWL method
FranceMonaco MWL method
France New Caledonia MWL method
France Polynesia MWL method
FranceReunion MWL method
Gabon MWL method
Gambia MWL method
Georgia MWL method
Germany MWL method
Ghana MWL method
Greece MWL method
Grenada MWL method
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Guinea MWL method
Guinea-Bissau MWL method
Guinea Equatorial MWL method
Guyana MWL method
Haiti MWL method
Honduras MWL method
Hungary MWL method
Iceland MWL method
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Indonesia Sihat Kemenag
Iran Local Method
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Ivory Cost MWL method
Jamaica MWL method
Japan MWL method
Jordan Umm Al Qura method
Kazakhstan MWL method
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Kosovo MWL method
Kuwait Umm Al Qura method
Kyrgyzstan MWL method
Laos MWL method
Latvia MWL method
Lebanon MWL method
Lesotho MWL method
Liberia MWL method
Libya MWL method
Liechtenstein MWL method
Lithuania MWL method
Luxembourg MWL method
Macedonia MWL method
Madagascar MWL method
Malawi MWL method
Malaysia Department of Islamic AdvancementJAKIM
Maldives MWL method
Mali MWL method
Malta MWL method
Marshall Islands MWL method
Mauritania MWL method
Mauritius MWL method
Mexico MWL method
Micronesia MWL method
Moldova MWL method
Mongolia MWL method
Montenegro MWL method
Morocco Affaires Islamiques (Habous)
Mozambique MWL method
MyanmarBirmanie MWL method
Namibia MWL method
Nauru MWL method
Nepal MWL method
Netherland Atlantic MWL method
Netherlands MWL method
New Zealand MWL method
New Zealand Capital Region method
Nicaragua MWL method
Niger MWL method
Nigeria MWL method
Niue MWL method
Northern Cyprus MWL method
North Korea MWL method
Norway MWL method
Oman Umm Al Qura method
Pakistan University Of Islamic Sciences Karachi
Palau MWL method
Palestine MWL method
Panama MWL method
Papua New Guinea MWL method
Paraguay MWL method
Peru MWL method
Philippines MWL method
Poland MWL method
Portugal MWL method
Qatar Umm Al Qura method
Romania MWL method
Russia Spiritual Administration of Muslims
Rwanda MWL method
Saint Kitts and Nevis MWL method
Saint Lucia MWL method
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines MWL method
Samoa MWL method
San Marino MWL method
Sao Tome and Principe MWL method
Saudi Arabia Umm Al Qura method
Senegal MWL method
Serbia MWL method
Seychelles MWL method
Sierra Leone MWL method
Singapur Majlis Ugama Islam
Slovakia MWL method
Slovenia MWL method
Solomon Islands MWL method
Somalia MWL method
South Africa MWL method
South Korea MWL method
South Sudan MWL method
Spain MWL method
Sri Lanka MWL method
Sudan MWL method
Suriname MWL method
Swaziland MWL method
Sweden MWL method
Switzerland MWL method
Syria Umm Al-Qura method
Taiwan MWL method
Tajikistan MWL method
Tanzania MWL method
Thailand MWL method
Timor East MWL method
Togo MWL method
Tonga MWL method
Trinidad and Tobago MWL method
Tunisian Ministry of Religious Affairs
Turkey MWL method
Turkmenistan MWL method
Tuvalu MWL method
Uganda MWL method
United KingdomAtlantic MWL method
United Kingdom England MWL method
United Kingdom Gibraltar MWL method
United Kingdom North Ireland MWL method
United KingdomPacific MWL method
United Kingdom Scotland MWL method
United Kingdom Wales MWL method
Ukraine MWL method
United Arab Emirates Umm Al Qura method
Uruguay MWL method
USA Islamic Society of North America ISNA
USA Howland island MWL method
USA Pago Pago island MWL method
USA Saipan island MWL method
Uzbekistan MWL method
Vanuatu MWL method
Venezuela MWL method
Vietnam MWL method
Western Sahara MWL method
Yemen Umm Al Qura method
Zambia MWL method
Zimbabwe MWL method
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